Week of 10/6 – 10/12/2014
10-6…..Happy P-Day everyone! Today we had to cut Pday a
little bit short because we went to the temple last Wednesday, and whenever we
do that we have to take time out of our Pday. WORTH IT! Anyway I figured I
would explain a little bit about P-days and how they go for future reference.
Like usual, we wake up at 6:30 am for our morning routine. Depending on the
PDay, we clean (workout between 6:30 and 7, get ready between 7 and 7:#0, and
eat by 8 am. This carries us into personal study (best time of the day), and
companion study from 9-10. We then head off to do emails from 10-12 at the
library, and eat lunch usually after that. We then have until 6 pm to do
whatever, including shopping, cleaning the car, or other fun activities like
going to the zoo or the mall. Today we went to a second-hand store and I am
proud to say I still cannot buy things there. So then we went to Dollarama
where I bought some awesome stationary and a few cards. We then went shopping
at Target (I converted the sister whose home we stay in) and Super Store which
is like a much nicer FRY’s of Canada. We stopped PDay at 3 today and went and
met with a wonderful lady. She has had some health issues lately and has been
kind of struggling. She is amazing and I can’t wait to work with her more.
Overall a really nice day!
10-7…Today was a pretty okay day. We had a zone
conference/training and we talked about how we can teach people, not lessons.
It is so cool to see the patterns in what I am learning and what we have been
taught in conference. I guess that is how the spirit works. Whatever I needed
as I watched conference, is what I got out of it. Something that has really
come up lately is the Charity and Love of the Saviour and how by showing peo`ple
our love and his love for us, we will have the spirit with us, and will be able
to discern the needs of our investigators and less active members. This
Saturday is Thanksgiving in Canada. I don’t really have a lot to write though I
am sure I will have lots tomorrow.
10-8…Happy Birthday Daddy” (I hope I am on the right day) I
hope your day has bee wonderful and uplifting and all sorts of fun. So I was
right, today was a whole lot better than yesterday. I had some really cool
experiences but the main one would have to be my experience downtown. So every
Wednesday we go downtown contacting as a zone. I have only been able to go one
other time due to the temple visit and zone conference, so I was a little nervous
when it came to going. During downtown contacting, we meet at the train station
and take the train to the downtown stops. We switch companions during this
time, so I went with Sister Barton, and Sister Martin went with Sister Howard
(another new sister from Mesa, the one I met at mission prep). We are allowed
to get off at any of the stops in the downtown area, and Sister Barton and I
had planned to try the last one, which we missed and had to get off the train
and onto another one back into town…oops…Anyway, I had 7 Book of Mormon copies
in my bag and she had 3 so we decided that we would plant all 10 that we had in
the hour and a half we had left downtown. I suggested we pray about it and ask
for help because I knew I had never planted a BOM on my own, and that she was
just about as good at street contacting as I am. Anyway by about a half hour
in, I think we had only planted 1 and by an hour we had planted 3. I still was
determined to plant 7 more in that last 30 minutes and you what, in that next
30 minutes, every single person we talked to was open and friendly and we
handed out 6 of the 7. With 1 last BOM left we felt really good and we still
had faith that we could plant it in that last minute. And you know what? That
last guy we talked to…was Mormon and we challenged him to hand it out and he
did! Out of the 22 people we talked to in our hour and a half, 10 people took
BOM’s! and just about everyone elst took our cards. The Lord literally placed
22 people in one place to help us fulfil his goal! So cool, oh and the other
missionaries only placed 1 or 2 BOM’s each. GOD IS SO GOOD!!! PRAY ALWAYS!
10-10…Hope you are having fun in Disneyland! I can’t wait
until the day I get to go again with you guys! Today was kind of a cool day. We
had the chance to go visit a potential investigator and she has been in the
hospital for a month with E. Coli (not Ebola) and we got to do her dishes for
her that were probably a week or two old. We also got mail today (still no
package), I got got mail from the firls (cutest ever), Mandy ( a bracelet
too!), and Grandma. Getting mail from Grandma was super cool because I have been meaning to get her address
for weeks now and I won’t be able to get it from you so Heavenly Father had her
write me! I love it!
PS – Can you tell Grandma she doesn’t need to send money in
her cards…Her love is enough!
Hi Mommy,
Sorry I didn't
get the chance to write you yesterday. The computers at the Library where down
so we had to wait until today. This week has been a bit better. I feel like I
am slowly working towards getting better and I am sorry if I worried you :). I
feel like I have gotten myself into a depressive state that I am trying my
hardest to work out of, but I am just going to take it one day at a time and
continue to pray as much as I can. I know that the Lord answers even my most
silliest prayers. For example, this morning Sister Martin and I decided that we
were going to go for a run... I hate running as you know and have never really
ran more then 3/4 a mile without stopping. However (because I know that Sister
Martin is in much better shape then I am) I prayed before hand that I would be
able to run and have the stamina to continue and I was able to run until we got
home about 20 minutes later. Pretty cool. Do you have any other tips for
getting out of depression? I have been really trying to work and work hard and
it has been a bit better, but sometimes it is still a little bit hard. But
other then that this week has been really cool. We had transfers on Thursday,
so we got some new missionaries in our area now. I really love our new Zone
leaders and Sister Training Leaders. Elder Martin (not related to Sister
Martin) and Elder Baker are our Zone Leaders. Elder Baker is super cool and
really likes musicals and swing dancing... we also got new Sister Training
Leaders Sister Hassan and Sister Harris. Sister Harris was actually born (as a
missionary) in Evergreen and is now back in the YSA ward in this area!! Sister
Hassan used to be a drama major and it absolutely adorable. We also got a new
District leader Elder Anderson. He calls himself Captain and so far has proven
to be really good.
Yesterday for
P-day Sister Martin, Sister Hassan, and I made the granola bars!! They where
quite the hit for Pday since all of the zone minus the elders from the Okatoks
area where at the Stake Center. That is usually where we spend our time playing
games, baking, and enjoying the day. Next week I think we are going to make
Banana Cream Pie for the zone, which should be pretty nice.
I am sleeping a
lot better now. I have actually gotten a good couple of nights of sleep which
is really nice. Also this morning I was able to finish off the Book of Mormon
and will be able to start it again tomorrow. It is pretty cool the insight you
can receive when you are looking for it, and I have really learned a lot about
the gospel as I have dived into the work.
You will be
happy to know that I got a priesthood blessing last Wednesday. It was really
nice and actually kind of funny because I had texted the zone leaders if they
where busy and then when they texted they where free I wasn't going to text
back. However as I was about to put the phone down they called us and I had no
choice but to answer and ask for a blessing... Apparently Heavenly Father knew
exactly what I was going to do and knows what I need :).
In the blessing
where some pretty cool promises that Heavenly Father will help me through this,
but that He wants me to go through these things.
OH and I got
your package on Friday and your Halloween card. If that is any indication on
how Canada mail works hahah. I loved the card and I can't believe you sent me a
personal alarm system. You will be happy to know that I put it on my bag but I
will probably never tell you if I have to use it or not ;) It is so cool that
you sent me the caramel corn. I had actually just seen a girl with on the other
day and I said in my heart that I really wanted one because they remind me of
my mom and grandma. So really you where answering a silent prayer for caramel
Today was a good
day. We actually met all of our goals for the day with 3 member present lessons,
1 other lesson, 2 contacted referrals, and 1 new investigator!! I will have to
keep you up on how it all goes with the new investigator. I hope you are having
a good week. Your prayers are so appreciated :) I love you so much and hope
that I don't cause you to worry too much.... but I know now that I worry just
as much as you do haha. I really am just like my mom :). I love you.
Sister Jensen
Hi Daddy!!
I am working
hard to try to have a really great week :) It has been good so far. Still
working through some rough things but that is to be expected as a missionary.
Lots of good lessons and I am also doing better on the sleep front :) I can't
believe that the Pinnacle drum major got so hurt!! That is awful and I feel so
blessed that that never happened to me. Rachel emailed me and said that
last week was NAU band week and that PV was there and did really well. I am
sorry about your boss and her mom. I just got your letter from the October
package (thank you by the way) and it sounds like things are a little hectic at
work with the supervisor leaving and your boss taking care of her
mom. I know that you can do it though because you are amazing and I have never
seen you not finish everything you started.
Lets see. Today
we were able to make it to our goals really for the first time since I have
been out which is fantastic because we have already surpassed the amount of
member present lessons we have had this week compared to last. We got a lot of
new people in our zone since the transfers where last week. I can't believe
that I have already been out one transfer. Only 11 more to go :) I got a
priesthood blessing this week like you said to. It was really nice and I
learned in it that Heavenly Father is proud of me and that He wants me to go
through these things so that I can learn and grow. I might not know why, but
like President Uchtdorf said in the Relief Society Conference "Don't you
think that God knows something that we don't". We have been talking a lot
this week about trusting in the Lord and I think I am really starting to
understand the Atonement and how it applies to our lives. I really do just need
to focus on strengthening my testimony and asking God every time I have a
question instead of just worrying about it. Doubt your doubts before you doubt
your faith hey?
Oh so cool
tidbit about Calgary. The people here say hey more then eh. Funny hey. I am
trying to pick it up so that I can assimilate more into the culture (that is
basically just like the states). We have this cool park thing right between our
two areas called fish creek. It is basically a giant forest of awesome trees
and wildlife with a creek flowing through the middle that week walk through
some days to get to the other side of our area. I am trying to work hard and
work hard on how I am feeling. I promise to keep you updated but I don't think
there is any reason to worry. I love you lots and if you have any good advice
for me I would love more. Also can you tell me how much I have in my
account?? I would like to buy a coat before it gets to cold, but I love the
gloves that mom sent me in the package. They shall be really nice for those
cold days. Oh and for Halloween we are not allowed to be outside past 6 so
we will be going to the Babcocks house who is a family in our ward from the
States. We will also be going over there for Thanksgiving. I love you so much.
Sister Kelliann Jensen